黑芝麻 — 芝麻有益肝腎、養血烏髮、潤腸通便功效,尤其適合陰虛、陽虛、氣虛、血虛人士食用。
豆沙 — 豆沙由紅豆製成,紅豆具補血和胃功效,適合陰虛、陽虛、氣虛、血虛人士食用,能改善氣血虛弱情況。
花生 — 有補氣潤肺、健脾開胃功效,適合氣虛、血虛、食慾差或哺乳中的產婦進食。
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Choose fillings based on body constitution
Make healthy sweet dumplings for Lantern Festival
Tomorrow will be the Lantern Festival, the fifteenth day of the first month in the lunar calendar. Traditionally, people will eat sweet dumplings, or ‘tang yuan‘ in Mandarin, on this day, as it symbolizes reunion. Sweet dumplings are made by rolling glutinous rice flour into a dough and then stuffing with different types of filling.
From the perspective of Chinese Medicine, sweet dumplings are sweet, have a high satiety effect, and can cause dampness in the body easily. Though glutinous rice can warm the stomach, its stickiness can cause indigestion. One can enjoy sweet dumplings but should only consume in a small quantity. Opt for fillings that are appropriate for our body constitution to help reduce the burden on the body.
Fillings in sweet dumplings:
Black sesame - nourishes the liver and kidney, nourishes blood and improve hair quality, moistens the intestine to relieve constipation. Suitable for people with yin deficiency, yang deficiency, qi deficiency and blood asthenia
Red bean paste - made with red bean which replenishes blood and stomach. Suitable for people with yin deficiency, yang deficiency, qi deficiency and blood asthenia. It can improve the weakness of qi and blood.
Peanut - replenishes the lungs and qi, strengthens the spleen to stimulate appetite. Suitable for those with qi deficiency, blood asthenia, poor appetite or nursing mothers.
Q: Sweet dumplings with lava fillings taste better?
A: Lava fillings give us visual pleasure and can satisfy our taste buds, but they are made of butter or lard. Hence, one should not consume sweet dumplings with lava fillings excessively.
Q: The more ginger in the sweet soup, the better it is?
A: Many people enjoy drinking ginger soup, which is made from fresh ginger and slab sugar. Fresh ginger is warm in nature and can induce sweating and dispel cold, whereas slab sugar can warm the stomach. Hence, this soup is suitable for individuals with yang deficiency, and those with a colder body constitution.
However, individuals with a damp-heat body constitution, or those with heat-related symptoms such as sore throat, canker sore, acne, and constipation should avoid drinking this soup, as it might aggravate the symptoms.
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#男 #女 #我胖了 #陰虛 #血虛 #氣虛 #陽虛
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- 關於first blood意思 在 『許願英文小教室』玩《激鬥峽谷》也能學英文?... - 許願運動 的評價
- 關於first blood意思 在 【電影預告】第一滴血(Rambo First Blood, 1982) - YouTube 的評價
- 關於first blood意思 在 first blood的推薦與評價,FACEBOOK和網紅們這樣回答 的評價
first blood意思 在 賴叔閱事 Facebook 的最佳貼文
肥人知道呢篇文真係寫得遲,本來我乜都唔想寫,依家見到個勢係全世界順水推舟圍堵中共就更加唔想寫,但係姣婆係好難守寡既,尤其是呢排成日俾班極度恐慌既人trigger… 我決定代肥控制員寫,因為我呢邊收視率高過佢。
“We had better learn to doubt our inflated fears before they destroy us. Valid fear have their place; they cue us to danger. False and overdrawn fears only cause hardship. Even concerns about real dangers, when blown out of proportion, do demonstrable harm.” – Barry Glassner, American sociologist, author of The Culture of Fear.
所以唔好話咁樣係「誇張」、「陰謀論」、同「乜都拉埋政治來講」呀,因為人類歷史就係充滿呢種叫 fearmongering既手段-用有目的地散播同誇大一樣不愉快既事情既手法,去引起大家既恐懼來控制群眾。現今世界,庸碌無能之輩當政比比皆是,唔識控制群眾既情緒,點樣遮掩政府既無能同做錯事既後果?不過肥人今次唔講法律,我學下一般既KOL咁「跨界別評論」先,所以呢篇文我講生物醫學,particularly 係將近來我係周遭聽聽埋埋既恐慌言論歸納一齊,逐點解釋。
HK01就話「逾5000疫廈元朗區最多 衛生署拒回應真偽」
Business Focus既報導就恐怖啦,話「肺炎突變新冠腦炎? 北京醫院首證病毒能侵襲中樞神經系統 感染肺炎併發腦炎北京醫院:患者意識曾陷入混亂」
「【新冠肺炎・伊朗】數名官員先後染病身亡 23國會議員確診」
「【新冠肺炎.最新疫情】意大利確診個案逾萬 美國突破千宗」
以上說話我全部聽過人講,最後一句我最撚火滾,你自己恐慌就好啦,咒人死仲要政府好 draconian 咁立法同執法?俾個民主自由既國會你仲可以普選,你都會選班人渣出來,然後大比數通過立法強制抽血抽組織,強制所有人有無問題都要戴口罩,仲可能要將人tag完再限制人出入自由。1984呀!
我日日做mon post狗睇網上既post,好多share出來又會令人恐懼既post,大部份都係有好多空間令人胡思亂想,如果你對科學尤其是 research methods, medical science, microbiology, virology等等唔認識的話,你鐵定會誤讀誤解再誤判… oh wait,睇返上面「利用群眾既錯誤認知,以感性因素去扭曲大家既認知同決策能力」,BINGO! 咁就搞掂你啦。為咩事要搞掂你?唔講啦,因為你會用陰毛論、陳雲信徒、唔好乜都政治化來駁我。
依家太多post講呢個新型冠狀病毒,例如Facebook有個印度人既 Infographics on Covid-19,好詳盡,但咁又點呢?大家對病毒以致肺炎、流感、醫療系統等等都毫無認識,講到咁深入你地都會誤解或者一頭霧水。咁樣樣,好多人因為無足夠既basic knowledge,又先入為主咁因為自己既恐慌情緒相信左錯既資訊,要同佢地「解毒」,就好似同藍絲講咩叫法治一樣困難,真係太監洞房無撚用。
1. 眾所鳩知,武漢肺炎係由新型既冠狀病毒 Covid-19引起。Covid-19係冠狀病毒科 Coronaviridae裡面其中一種,佢係屬於 positive-sense, singled stranded RNA virus (正鏈單股核醣核酸病毒) 。RNA病毒有好高突變率,因為病毒既RNA polymerases缺乏 DNA polymerase 既proofreading能力,所以佢地好難有 nearly identical既 sequence。仲有一點好重要,病毒同病菌唔同,病毒係需要靠 host cell (宿主細胞)先可以生存,離開 host cell 佢地不能複製,不能運作,只有死路一條。所以一開始就話新病毒同SARS個sequence有幾多幾多 percent 相似,我即刻叮左一下,然後好多人傳話新病毒點點點可以生存好耐,我更加叮多兩下…. 邊個放呢D料出來既?
2. 另外,呢隻病毒並非 retrovirus (逆轉錄病毒, class VI single-stranded RNA-Reverse Transcriptase),唔會將自己既RNA用 reverse transcriptase (逆轉錄酶)塞入host cell既基因裡面,然後適時復發。咩係retrovirus呢? 例如會引起 T Cell Leukemia 既 Human T-cell lymphotropic virus type 1 (HTLV-1),或者引起愛滋病既 Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)。呢個病毒,亦唔係好似肝病毒科乙型肝炎咁,唔係 retrovirus 但會有reverse transcriptase去將 viral genome incorporate 入host cell,所以就算不幸中左,都唔會話咩病者會成世帶住個病。所以我每一次聽到人講「就算中左都一世帶病呀」就會好抆,冠狀病毒變愛滋,黐L線!
3. 冠狀病毒既結構好簡單:一個 viral envelope,外面有protein spike,裡面有RNA,that’s it。佢地個replication mechanism (複製機制) 就係病毒接觸host cell後進入 host cell,然後係host cell個細胞核nucleus裡面複製。複製完之後就由host cell cytoplasm (細胞質)裡面製造既 necleocapsid (核蛋白衣) 加埋細胞核既 endoplasmic reticulum (內質網) 既phospholipid membrane (磷脂層)包住病毒RNA,經由host cell 既Golgi apparatus (高氏體)帶出host cell 繼續傳染人。呢個複製過程,當然會破壞甚至殺死 host cell啦。咁知道呢點有咩用?Phospholipid membrane係lipid bilayer (脂質雙分子層),lipid bilayer係怕番梘soap既!咁勤D用番梘洗手就得啦,使撚用甲醇咩屌你,你嫌命長?
4. 有人話:「咁基因突變都得架嘛!個病毒咪做到所有野囉!」喔,係咩?如果咁簡單,呢個世界既大學就唔需要有生物系,而且達爾文應該無人理。首先,病毒點解會有基因變異?簡單講就係 replication 之中,有polymerases 抄錯條 sequence,例如本來係 ATCG 既,抄成 ATTG,跟住無 proofread 就掉出去。又有一種變異,就好似屬於Orthomyxoviridae 既influenza A virus咁,裡面有八條 RNA segments,可以係 replication既時候洗牌。呢種 replication 既錯誤或者洗牌,積埋積埋,小則變成 genetic drift/antigenic drift,大則變成 genetic shift/antigenic shift。前者可能將某一個半個 surface protein 結構變左少少,整體來講人體免疫系統仲認得出,變異後既病毒殺傷力有限。後者可能將原有病毒變成新既 subtype,大部份人既免疫系統都認唔出而死傷無數。假設,新既冠狀病毒係由舊有冠狀病毒(包括 SARS)天然 antigenic shift 變出來既,咁點可能係短短兩三個月再次 antigenic shift 呢?如果基因突變去到呢個地步,肯定顛覆生物學界既認知。但好多本來就無讀過生物既人會唔認同,佢地會搏命咁話基因變異點能夠預測!肥人話你知,唔係預測,而係不符合現實同暫時無人能夠推翻既理論。如果新病毒可以係短時間內變成 retrovirus,可以無任何條件下生存好耐,隨意改變 latent period潛伏期,隨意改變傳染力同殺傷力的話,科學家應該點 classify 佢呢?簡單講,長頸鹿頸長先叫做長頸鹿,如果長頸鹿變成 Mike Tyson 條頸咁短,咁我地應該叫佢做 Mike Tyson 定長頸鹿?如果新冠狀病毒有 HTLV-1既retrovirus能力,有hepatitis B 既 reverse transcriptase,有 flu A 可以 shuffle RNA 既能力,又有 HIV 既超長 latent period,你會叫佢做 coronavirus 定 super virus?
5. 講基因變異,要一個變異既病毒基因可以流傳,病毒本身必須要不斷繁衍,宿主傳宿主咁一代傳一代,病毒先可以續存。呢個就係進化論,survival of the fittest。古代有好多生物不能續存,就係因為被環境淘汰,例如有理論認為三葉蟲因為蛻變機制 (instar and molting) 有問題,結果難以生存,最後被大自然淘汰。如果病毒勁到咩人都可以一野就殺死佢的話,佢點傳播?宿主死左,無人帶佢地去傳染其他人嘛!病毒唔係病菌,可以係環境種生存好耐,病毒只要離開宿主好快就會死,就算有飛沫帶住,我地環境中既太陽紫外光、oxidizing agents、濕度與氣溫等等會令佢地好快收皮。病毒唔係倪匡衛斯理《藍血人》裡面隻「獲殼依毒間」,可以變成游離電波周圍飄。大家明白進化論,就會明白病毒學101既常識,從而 debunk 左一個不斷流傳既流言:「隻病毒好勁,好多人死架,傳播得又快!」傳播得快,不等如勁,而太勁既病毒,難以傳播。係呢度,傳播得快,同隻病毒之間並無關係。病毒殺傷力勁,傳播範圍就會窄,傳播速度都會慢;病毒殺傷力一般如普通流感的話,傳播範圍先會闊,傳播速度先會快。如果新聞瘋狂報導好多人死就等如勁,咁非洲同中東都有好多基督徒男女老幼被人大規模屠殺,你會唔會覺得信耶穌係死路一條?
6. 又有人話:「呢隻病毒唔同流感呀!唔好再同流感比啦!呢隻病毒會死人架!呢隻病毒無藥醫架!」首先,除左冠狀病毒同流感病毒,仲有 Respiratory Synctical Virus (人類呼吸道合胞病毒) 同 Rhinovirus (鼻病毒) 都會引起呼吸道感染疾病,隻隻都係病毒,病毒一向未必有有效既藥物醫治,隻隻都會死人。你地以為流感有得醫?用 Tamiflu 都未必得架,而且有可能有嚴重副作用。咁冠狀病毒同流感病毒有咩唔同? 有人話death rate高,無vaccine,latent period又長又短,病人無病徵,但呢堆因素唔係用來分別病毒勁唔勁囉。Death rate 高低由咩決定,點計?Vaccine有咩用,target 咩?latent period 點解會長短不一?有無病徵同嚴重性有咩關係,係咪好似異形咁,你怕有人無病徵但會 sudden death?你地睇得太多 WhatsApp D人無啦啦訓低既片段啦,你又知人地係武漢肺炎死?New England Journal of Medicine 有篇叫 First Case of 2019 Novel Coronavirus in the United States既文,提到美國華盛頓州有個病人1月19日入廠,20日確診,一直都係 supportive care,直到染病第11日,即係入廠第7日,醫生先用 IV 俾 remdesivir (瑞德西韋),然後佢就退燒,其他症狀都消失或者減輕。咁又點解會係無得醫?大家記住remdesivir (瑞德西韋),遲下會再講。
7. 仲有,我最憎既「個肺花!個肺花!個肺花!個肺花呀!」呢句,我想同講呢句既人講,肺花,係因為照 X-ray 既時候個肺有 consolidation/infiltration,呢個問題唔單止係肺炎,肺癆甚至cancer都會肺花。你怕咩肺花?流感去到嚴重的話,都可能肺花,因為你有 pulmonary consolidation or infiltration。肺花係因為你個肺 filled with liquid, exudate, pus 甚至 blood from hemorrhage。理性少少,冷靜D,肺花講一次就得,repeat 幾次無幫助。
8. 孤勿論點,呢隻病毒都只係一隻呼吸道感染既病毒,一隻真病毒,一隻同流感一樣會令人病,亦會令人死既病毒,只係流感令人鼻塞,但一樣有機會令人肺炎。呢個新病毒佢所有既威力都係傳媒、WhatsApp片段、社交媒體既報導俾佢,就好似有D 人,你聽佢大名如雷灌耳,一見到真人原來係柒碌又無料到一樣(我懷疑我自己都係咁)。其實有無人真正去了解上面我所講既野?無人話你聽你可以當呢隻病毒無到,話之佢死,但係一開始就進入恐慌狀態,咁你係咪俾人耍緊呢?
外面成日有人話:「哎呀,個病人21日後先確診呀!」「哎呀,佢隻狗弱陽性呀!」「哎呀,本來係陰性依家係陽性呀!」「哎呀,南韓同意大利爆發,突然好多人確診呀!」Now TV 更報導「鑽石公主號在日確診香港人 康復回港後再檢測呈陽性」
究竟,呢堆確診數字信唔信得過?我意思唔係話邊個國家信唔信得過,而係呢個 test method 同個 protocol 信唔信得過,會唔會有 uncertainty 或者error? 一開始,我地可以睇下 Journal of the American Medical Association 3月9日既文章,Diagnostic Testing for the Novel Coronavirus,裡面有講到 false positive/false negative 既問題,仲有病毒測試既regulation,測試既 guideline等等。文中有提到,開初發展出來既病毒測試有 false negative,顯示出呢個測試既設計應該係有問題。另外,FDA,CDC與美國各州政府之間都有分歧,州政府當然想為居民檢驗啦,但因為個測試係新開發,有大量問題同 uncertainy,所以FDA “made clear that laboratories were encouraged to develop tests but could not use them for clinical diagnosis without FDA’s “approval, clearance, or authorization during an emergency declaration.” 咁 what does that means? 如果你讀 law 的話,我expect你可以 read between the lines。
講返個測試,檢驗新病毒一般都係會用 RT-PCR (Reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction 逆轉錄聚合酶鏈式反應)。好多人,包括肥人好多行家與同事甚至客仔,一聽到咩DNA測試,就以為呢個 test 無L敵啦,一定準確啦。Oh Sorry,no! 撇除所有「中國的會爆炸」同「中國有咩係真」呢兩個因素,一個test既結果是否可信係建基於樣本收集同檢驗方法,無論你係美國,意大利,南韓,日本定中國,樣本收集同檢驗方法先係 main point!
檢驗呼吸道感染疾病,你地話收集咩樣本好呀?Saliva? Sputum? Nasopharyngeal aspirate (NPA)? Bronchial lavage? 如果係上呼吸道病毒,咁 NPA都足夠既,sputum 都可以,但saliva 就應該要reject。但有時呢類既樣本都未必有足夠既病毒樣本去驗,病毒深入氣管去到肺氣泡(alveoli),樣本可能要係bronchial lavage先夠做。仲有,收集樣本既手法,部位,儲存方式,收集時間與檢驗時間既差距,樣樣都會影響結果。支棉花棒「了」得唔好,你或者都會無 result。
好啦,到講 RT-PCR啦。RT-PCR係需要 medical scientist 去砌一段 primer 出來開始做test。為左檢驗結果既可靠性,scientist通常會係新病毒入面抽一段比較穩定既 RNA segment 出來做 primer。可惜,有好多情況下,RT-PCR會俾個錯既答案你。
第一,primer 既設計好影響結果,上面都話段 primer 要係抽病毒一段比較穩定既 RNA segment 出來做,咁如果你抽錯左呢?第二,樣本既 DNA/RNA sequence 既integrity好差,甩頭甩骨咁,結果就會受影響。即係上面所講既樣本收集出現問題呀!第三,樣本純度低,或者份量少,又即係上面所講既樣本收集出現問題呀!咁個 tech 或者 scientist 要係咁加 PCR cycle去 amplify 個 sample,咁 amplify 出來既樣本就有好大機會係 false positive,呢點會影響所謂確診既可信度,亦係咁肥人我見到漁護處話瑞士花園個阿婆患者隻狗呈現弱陽性反應,我當下笑 L97 左出來。大佬呀,你是咪無足夠 sample 就鳩 amplify,然後個 result 根本有問題你都聽長官意志,鳩簽個名話係弱陽性呀?陽就陽,陰就陰。Result 唔 significant 或者 inconclusive,你出咩報告jack? Invalid 啦!仲有呀,病毒係 host specific 架,會傳染人既病毒,又點會無啦啦傳染狗? 眾所鳩知冠狀病毒係靠人類細胞上既 ACE2 (Angiotensin-converting enzyme 2,血管收縮素轉化酶2)來進入人體細胞啦,狗 ACE2既同人既一樣?
first blood意思 在 The Little Balu Facebook 的最佳貼文
〈完美的一天 A Perfect Day〉
It is almost a perfect day yesterday (21 July 2019).
I am a normal Hong Kong citizen. Born in the 80's, a Christian who lives in Tin Shui Wai. Yesterday was a normal Sunday. I went back to church to join the worship with my wife in Kowloon, joined our friends for lunch in Tsim Sha Tsui, watched Toy Story 4 at the Grand Ocean cinema, and went back home after dinner by West Rail.
At about 10pm, we were at the Austin Station, everything looked normal in the West Rail train. Our train arrived at Yuen Long Station just before 11pm, we heard a screaming, "Someone's hurt, we need backups!", and our train was stopped because of this confusion. I asked my wife to stay in the train, while I got off and went down to the station lobby to see what happened. Inside the gate, there were people holding their umbrellas up, defending from a group of gangsters who were all wearing white-shirts, attacking people inside the gate with wooden sticks, water bottles and baseball bats. People were trapped inside. There were around 40 to 50 white-shirt gangsters, mainly in their middle-aged, some were even older, shouted fiercely in Cantonese foul languages with agitation.
There were fresh blood stains on the floor inside the gate. Outside the gate not far away, there was someone injured, lying down on the floor, constantly threatening by a white-shirt gangster. I did not go out and help him due to the dangerous situation and I tended to go back up to the train. At that very moment, people inside the gate were suddenly moved back towards me. Some rushed into the washroom, others ran passed me and dashed to the platform through the escalators and staircase, and planned to reach the train for safety.
我見身邊有人跌倒,想幫又幫唔到手。然後白衫人已經殺到埋身,我正準備跑上扶手電梯上月台嘅時候就俾人從後襲擊咗後腦一下,我一邊跑一邊回望,睇到一個白衫人拎住枝棒球棍對住扶手電梯上面嘅人(包括我)大聲叫罵「 ___ 你老母」(第一個字聽得唔太清楚,請自行填充。)
Someone fell down next to me, I wished to help but I couldn't. The white-shirt gangsters were fast approaching, and I was about to rush back to the escalator. All of a sudden, I was attacked at my hindbrain, out of nowhere! I kept running and looked back at the attacker, it was a white-shirt gangster who was holding a baseball bat, yelling to the people (including me) on the escalator: YOU MOTHER _______ ! (I didn't hear it clearly, fill-in as you like)
I kept fleeing back to the platform, that white-shirt gangster had stopped chasing us. I went in the train with other passengers, and I did not even realized that I was bleeding until someone told me. Some very friendly passengers helped me to clean and wrap the wound (well, that was the first time I used sanitary pad), and nice enough to give me a seat.
I was talking to my wife through the phone throughout the whole process. She told me that those gangsters were attacking people inside the train. Passengers around me were extremely worried, we were all afraid that those white-shirt Triad gangsters (now I knew they are Triad) will storme in and attack. We all hope that the train will move out from the station soon. At the same time, people were saying that there were attacks at the train head (I was at the tail), we were all in confusions and panics. After some minutes (looks like the MTR has made a statement regarding the detailed time), the train has finally moved, and I arrived Tin Shui Wai Station at last. I found my wife, we went straight to an Ambulanceman and admitted to the Tin Shui Wai Hospital afterwards, where I had my three stitches done. While I was waiting in the Emergency Room, 5 or 6 more injured people were sent in due to the West Rail attack.
Policeman stationed in the Emergency Room has asked if I need to file a report. I had agreed after some consideration. The Crime Unit has also arrived after 2 to 3 hours to take my statement. After taking my personal information, he asked directly, "Did you join the protest march today?" I said, "No". He looked doubt. I took out the Toy Story 4 ticket stained with my blood and showed him, then he stopped questioning me. Eventually, I went home at about 5am.
It was a very normal day yesterday - shopping with my wife, watching movie, have a great dinner. I know what had happened lately in this city and how desperate people are these days. So I planned to have a relaxed day and free from the news. The ironic part is, on the day I was trying to rest and have a life, it was the day I encountered the indiscriminate attack. There is this saying, "you don't mess with politics, politics will mess with you eventually". I was attacked, so I must have done something wrong? What did I do wrong? Oh, I guess it must have been about me watching the American animation.
我知道我受嘅傷,同喺中上環俾警察無預警下開槍射傷嘅市民比,實在係微不足道(其實佢哋更應被關注!)。不過身邊聽到我經歷嘅朋友都好驚、好忿怒,其實我都係好忿怒、好無助,我地都無辦法明白到底點解坐西鐵返屋企會俾黑社會打,而點解警察又唔嚟阻止?但我更加感受到嘅係市民果種恐懼同絕望感,人群閃躲之際有人跌倒,有人落單,大家衝入車廂果陣會唔會發生人踩人?我老婆都陪伴咗個受驚而情緒失控嘅少女。大家都好驚、好恐懼、好絕望、好furious。人係受威脅之下,會出現figh-or-flight的反應,喺腎上腺素嘅驅使之下,一係會反擊,一係會逃走,但手無寸鐵嘅市民被圍困係車廂中被人撳住嚟打,既不能fight , 又不能flight,果種絕望同恐懼的確唔係三言兩語講得明白,往後嘅心理創傷同陰影烙印,可以係一生之久。
Comparing to those protesters shot by the Policemen without warning in Sheung Wan and Central, I was nothing (we should pay more attention to them instead!). But friends around me were shocked and outraged about my attack. To be frank, I was shocked too. Who would imagine that attack will come when I was just taking the West Rail train back home? And where were the Policemen when we need them? And most of all, I experienced the same fear and desperation with the passengers. People were dodging, falling down, left behind, there could be stampede when we rushed back to the train! My wife had also stayed and comforted a young girl who had almost lost control because of the frightening situation. Everyone was afraid, worried, hopeless and furious. When people are being threatened, there is a response called "fight-or-flight". The adrenaline will drive you to either fight back or take flight. Unfortunately, when we were unarmed and trapped inside the train, we cannot fight back, we cannot take flight, there is no word to describe the despair and fear in that scenario. The psychological trauma and shadow can be life-long.
Some people may say, regardless of how innocent I am, that still, I was to blame. Maybe I ran too slow so I was meant to be attacked. Maybe I passed by Yuen Long so I should have known it better. I do not want to debate with their accusations, it is meaningless anyway. In my believe, there is no hope in taking the attacker down in my case, and I have no intention to take revenge. You see, when there is war in a country, the government will not take it serious when a citizen got killed. Wartime society has its own law of survival, and I have to deal with this reality: Hong Kong is in war now, and I have zero interest in what the HK Police Force and the government will take serious into.
There is one thing I must say. Hong Kong people are really full of passion. During this chaotic time, people are still willing to look after each other. I am blessed with their love: Passengers on the train have comforted me, treated my wound carefully when there is lack of first-aid materials; the professional treatment by the Ambulancemen; some friends have even rushed back after arriving their homes in downtown, one even drove his car all the way to the hospital; my family who have stayed with me in the Emergency Room throughout the whole night; all the comforts, loves and blessings from my friends…I am so blessed.
I will not say that the attack is not important, or lighten it up or paper over the cracks. Anyone have conscious will definitely be heartbroken and ambushed about the attack at the West Rail. But the truth is that, our outrageous has nowhere to escape. Our society system is corrupting, the totalitarianism is raging brutally to a point where no one is allowed to have their own thinking and feeling. When a simple graffiti is an act to test the bottom line of the government's governance, when the Chief Executive ridiculously condemns the destruction of a symbolic device more than the vicious attack to innocent citizen, I know that our lives have absolutely no values to these senior officials. This evil political system is taking lives, creating the chaos and the reason for their stuck-up governance, forcing the people to give up fighting, while eventually the people will worship them as gods with their kingdom lasts forever.
However, in this ridiculous attack experience under the evil conspiracy, there are lovely people around me: passengers , Ambulancemen, friends and family, for their loves and comforts give me the strength to overcome the helpless feeling throughout this absurd situation, the faith to move on, the courage to face the inevitable fear, and the hope to concur the in-depth pressure caused by the desperation of the indiscriminate attack.
I was attacked yesterday, and it made my perfect day imperfect. But I found love and courage in the time of danger and fear. Hong Kong people do watch over for each other.
是的,香港人很有愛,所以我們值得擁有比現在更好的社會領袖和政治制度,We deserve better。因為你們有愛,所以我能夠不再怕遭害。因為你們有愛,所以我能夠堅持這個心願。因為你們有愛,所以我有信心香港人能夠一齊撐落去。
HongKongers are so full of love, that is why we deserve better society leaders and political system. We DO deserve better. Because of your love, I do not fear the danger. Because of your love, I can hold tight to hope. Because of your love, I have faith that HongKongers can stick together and make our own future.
HongKongers, ADD OIL!
first blood意思 在 コバにゃんチャンネル Youtube 的最讚貼文
first blood意思 在 大象中醫 Youtube 的最佳解答
first blood意思 在 大象中醫 Youtube 的最佳解答
first blood意思 在 『許願英文小教室』玩《激鬥峽谷》也能學英文?... - 許願運動 的推薦與評價
Carry 本身有攜帶的意思,在峽谷裡常被用來表示帶著隊友飛、帶著隊友贏下勝利的意思。 Noob 雷包、雷Noob 在口語 ... First blood 首殺. First blood ... <看更多>
first blood意思 在 【電影預告】第一滴血(Rambo First Blood, 1982) - YouTube 的推薦與評價
部落格:http://twitai.net/ 粉絲團:https://www.facebook.com/Twitai. ... <看更多>
first blood意思 在 [閒聊] 首殺vs 首塔- 看板LoL 的推薦與評價
有一天,我打了一場 LOL.....
上路 提摩 在三分半的時候,被 潘森 首殺
下路 汎+拉克斯,六分鐘就被對面 艾希+維迦 拿掉首塔
提摩 :「六分鐘就被推掉塔,是在掛網是不是阿!?」
......Loop,就這樣一路吵到 20 FF
首殺比較嚴重? 還是,首塔比較嚴重?
獎勵比較 (根據wiki)
─ 首殺 (First Blood)
─ 金錢獎勵,尾刀者獲 400 G,而擊殺參與者均分 200 G 助攻獎勵,無隊伍獎勵
─ 亦即首殺最多給予隊伍的就是 600 G 經濟效益
─ 首塔 (First Turret)
─ 以召喚峽谷來說,都是線上外塔
─ 首塔擊破時,破塔者 300 G,參與破塔的均分 250 G ,隊伍獎勵每人 100 G
─ 等於最多給予隊伍 550 G(單人推塔) + 100*4 (隊伍獎勵) = 950 G 經濟效益
─ 首殺 (600 G) < 首塔 (950 G)
─ 首殺之外的英雄擊殺,是尾刀者 300G ,參與獎勵均分 150 G
─ 總計帶給隊伍 450 G 經濟效益
─ 也就是說,假設隊伍必須拿到首殺和額外一個擊殺,獲得共 1050 G
─ 擊殺的總效益才會超過擊破首塔的獲益。
─ 首殺視情況可能可以換掉對方身上的消耗品,甚至召喚師技能
─ 首塔則是帶來地圖控制和轉線優勢
─ 塔不會動,英雄會跑來跑去;拿首塔 484 比拿首殺容易、效益又比較高呢?
─ 為何職業場上好像都只有印象聽過主播賽評大喊「First Blood~~~~~~~~~~~~~~」
─ 反而很少聽到喊「First Turret~~~~~~~~~~~~~~」
─ 主播賽評 484 都覺得首塔不重要?
─ 六分前被首殺跟掉首塔,玩家希望隊友是被首殺? 還是被拿首塔?
─ 玩家遊戲大多會去指責被首殺的隊友,但指責掉首塔的情況相較下反而不多
─ 是首殺的效益被高估了? 還是,首塔的效益被低估了呢?
逛街囉~ ヽ( ゚ ∀ 。)ノ 擺出《前進高棉》的姿勢!
中的經歷。─ 維基百科。
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/LoL/M.1516171927.A.B0D.html
... <看更多>